Appellate Practice
Errors are made during trials. Sometimes, they are minor and insignificant. However, there are mistakes which impact the ultimate result and these mistakes must be taken before a higher court to be rectified.
Harris, Creech, Ward & Blackerby enjoys a strong reputation in the higher appellate courts, in both the state and federal systems. Not only does the firm periodically pursue its own clients’ interests at the appellate level, it is honored to be retained by other law firms to assist their clients in the appellate process.
Harris Creech’s extensive appellate expertise is also invaluable during preparation for trial and negotiations for settlement. Having a thorough knowledge of the boundaries of evidence, the latest developments in the areas of law at issue, and the ability to brief these arguments for a court are of invaluable assistance to every Harris Creech client.
Preparing and trying cases with an appellate eye has helped to make Harris Creech the premier litigation firm that it is today.